Hi everyone: Well, we are FINALLY Home---in right downtown Slapout! I hadn't got homesick until early last week but it went away in a couple of hours. But, today before we got to Birmingham I got it bad and it didn't go away. I thought we were crawling instead of going 60 MPH. But this afternoon around 4 p.m. we got in our (well, actually it was Troy's) driveway and I'm thrilled. Wayne seems happy to be home today. He used the 'runoff' voting as an excuse to go 'uptown' and he 'got a cup of coffee, too! A couple of hours later he came back home! Then he went 'over the farm'--checking the outside of both houses, pulling weeds around Jalen's rose and around Jalen & Jordan's trees, and dead-heading the other rose bushes and checking on everything. Me, all I did was go thru/separate the mail that has accumulated since we left.
So, as you can see, we're getting to 'normal' and this will end my blog.
We're been gone over 7 weeks, almost 5,000 miles and 20 states and I've tried to keep you up-to-date about our vacation. I hope you have enjoyed our trip half as much as we did.
Thank you for reading about our trip, for praying for us, and thinking about us.
P.S. We'll be leaving again next week (but for only about a week--to Wayne's 47th HS Class Reunion and afterwards on to Abbeville to see my folks--hopefully, they haven't moved off and didn't tell us). Then next month, we're heading out again for a couple of weeks in the mountains (Smokies, that trip). No blogging on these trips.
So, till then--- We love you, Keep in touch!!!!
Diane & Wayne
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Hello, Everyone:
We are so happy!! We're back in Alabama (Sweet Home). We're stopped for tonight at the Allegro Campground in Red Bay which is right on the Missippi/Alabama Line up next to Tennessee. Wayne is going to pick up some much needed parts for the RV and I want to look at some new furniture to update the RV. Another thing, our dash air conditioner fan went out and we were HOT from Memphis, Tennessee to here (about 2 1/2 hours right in the hottest part of the afternoon) The sun was coming right in the windshield. Now, Wayne can add another item to his ever-increasing list.
We should probably finish here tomorrow and be back in Slapout by Tuesday or Wednesday. And it's time. We've been gone over 7 weeks; traveled over 5,000 miles on the RV in addition to all the miles on the car sight-seeing. In addition to those, we have added air miles to/from Hawaii--we are blessed!
So until then; please keep us in your prayers; you are in ours daily-----
We are so happy!! We're back in Alabama (Sweet Home). We're stopped for tonight at the Allegro Campground in Red Bay which is right on the Missippi/Alabama Line up next to Tennessee. Wayne is going to pick up some much needed parts for the RV and I want to look at some new furniture to update the RV. Another thing, our dash air conditioner fan went out and we were HOT from Memphis, Tennessee to here (about 2 1/2 hours right in the hottest part of the afternoon) The sun was coming right in the windshield. Now, Wayne can add another item to his ever-increasing list.
We should probably finish here tomorrow and be back in Slapout by Tuesday or Wednesday. And it's time. We've been gone over 7 weeks; traveled over 5,000 miles on the RV in addition to all the miles on the car sight-seeing. In addition to those, we have added air miles to/from Hawaii--we are blessed!
So until then; please keep us in your prayers; you are in ours daily-----
Saturday, July 10, 2010
We're in MissouriI
Hi, ALL:
Finally got onto the internet! Since the last time we have been in North Dakota, South Dakota, and now Missouri.
North and South Dakota was so beautiful. Then, in Missouri, we had a wonderful couple of days with Wayne's cousin, Gerald and Patricia Goolsby along with their boys and grandkids, in Nevada, Missouri. They took us out to eat a couple of times, and we went over to their house for more visiting. Gerald has a great workshop and lots and lots of antique tools. During his nickel tour I got to see all his 'wood'--it smelled sosososo good--made me want to turn wood on my lathe. Also, he gave me a pair of hog nose ring plyers and that really pleased me; I've been looking for one for ages and I'll remember our all-to-short visit every time I use them. What will I use them for?--you ask??? They'll be perfect to bind pages to make a scrapbook (of course, what did you think? (you DIDN'T think I was going to put a ring in Wayne's] nose???(Ummmm--it is a thought!!!)
After we left Gerald and Patricia this morning, Wayne got the idea to take a 'scenic highway' just to break up driving on interstate highways. Well, he went to sleep 5 minutes off the interstate. (Francis, you know what's going to happen????) I took a wrong road onto Missouri Highway 78 WEST which is a VERY steep/curvey road. To make bad matters worse I went 24 miles down this 'wonderful' two-lane narrow road. I woke Wayne once, and he asked had I turned off and I told him "NO"---BUT in the little town of Ava, their court square had a round-about and I exited one road too soon. Finally, after 1 1/2 hours we were back in Ava again and got onto the correct highway. Beautiful country but very nerve racking drive.
But, to make a long story, well, long. We're still in Missouri--almost on the Arkansas border. Tomorrow we're heading thru Arkansas/Tennessee [hopefully] and go to Red Bay, Alabama (where our RV is made) by about Monday to pick up some Allegro RV stuff. Then, if we can't find any more 'side roads' we should be home by the end of the week.
Till we get tothe next RV park with WiFi---love and hugs to everyone.
Finally got onto the internet! Since the last time we have been in North Dakota, South Dakota, and now Missouri.
North and South Dakota was so beautiful. Then, in Missouri, we had a wonderful couple of days with Wayne's cousin, Gerald and Patricia Goolsby along with their boys and grandkids, in Nevada, Missouri. They took us out to eat a couple of times, and we went over to their house for more visiting. Gerald has a great workshop and lots and lots of antique tools. During his nickel tour I got to see all his 'wood'--it smelled sosososo good--made me want to turn wood on my lathe. Also, he gave me a pair of hog nose ring plyers and that really pleased me; I've been looking for one for ages and I'll remember our all-to-short visit every time I use them. What will I use them for?--you ask??? They'll be perfect to bind pages to make a scrapbook (of course, what did you think? (you DIDN'T think I was going to put a ring in Wayne's] nose???(Ummmm--it is a thought!!!)
After we left Gerald and Patricia this morning, Wayne got the idea to take a 'scenic highway' just to break up driving on interstate highways. Well, he went to sleep 5 minutes off the interstate. (Francis, you know what's going to happen????) I took a wrong road onto Missouri Highway 78 WEST which is a VERY steep/curvey road. To make bad matters worse I went 24 miles down this 'wonderful' two-lane narrow road. I woke Wayne once, and he asked had I turned off and I told him "NO"---BUT in the little town of Ava, their court square had a round-about and I exited one road too soon. Finally, after 1 1/2 hours we were back in Ava again and got onto the correct highway. Beautiful country but very nerve racking drive.
But, to make a long story, well, long. We're still in Missouri--almost on the Arkansas border. Tomorrow we're heading thru Arkansas/Tennessee [hopefully] and go to Red Bay, Alabama (where our RV is made) by about Monday to pick up some Allegro RV stuff. Then, if we can't find any more 'side roads' we should be home by the end of the week.
Till we get tothe next RV park with WiFi---love and hugs to everyone.
Sunday, July 4, 2010
Before we left Miles City we went to the Range Riders Museum---I hope that everyone can see this museum---it's amazing. The entrance 4 rooms had display cases of everything imaginable in the early settlers' homes (quilts, dishes, pots/pans). There were room after room of guns from the early West to WWII (just made us both drool), a whole room display of women's hats, women's fashions with wedding outfits and every-day dresses. Also a 30' x 60' banquet room with all 4 walls covered with photos of all the Range Riders since their beginning. The compound also had 8 x 10' rooms with 3D scales of each of Fort Hall, the Indian Village, and Train depot with tracks. These 3D rooms was mind-boggling because of the minute details. But, the things that impressed me most was the Indian artifacts and their family photos complete with narratives of their lives. As you leave the compound to get back on the street, there was no STOP sign--just the sign pictured above!
From Miles City, Montana, we traveled to Dickinson, North Dakota (no sights--just sleeping). On 3 July while still on I-94 we stopped at Exit 127 at the Sunset Cafe in New Salem North Dakota. I'm detailing all this because YOU MUST plan your trip to arrive here for their breakfast. Wayne had the usual breakfast--nothing new to write about. But I saw something on the menu that I just had to try and that was the "Breakfast Fleischkuekle". I asked the (great) waitress what it was and she replied, "it's a patty sausage, egg and cheese wrapped in pastry and deep- fried". What's not to love--all my favorite food groups and fried!!!!! It was so delicious. The pastry was so crispy and flaky that I broke off the outside crust and saved it to eat with grape jelly. If I could have, I would have ordered seconds but this one was bigger than my out-stretched hand and I couldn't eat any more!!! Think I'll cook these when we get home (if I remember how my stove operates).
After eating breakfast (and getting our first souvenirs of a cute salt/pepper set and a tiny cream pitcher and homemade snicker doodle and oatmeal-raisin cookies to go), we continued on I-94 right through the horizontal middle of North Dakota. Along the interstate, we saw some beautiful trees everywhere that are light green-silver with almost black bark (we found out these with Russian Olive trees) and saw field after field of what looked like tiny yellow flowers (we learned these are canola fields). And, lots of oil-wells --- Nothing like we have in Alabama!!
In the pictures above, we are at the Frontier Fort/Bar & Grill/Gift Shoppe/RV Camp Site in Jamestown, North Dakota. Here they have reconstructed a whole frontier village of saloon, post office, train depot, art gallery, blacksmith, church, old cabin, jail, school, stables (for pony or stage coach rides), general store, leather goods, library, newspaper, and house where Louis L'Amour wrote most of his Western Novels. This whole Old West village is maintained, outfitted and run by local people of Jamestown. There is also the largest statue (over 30' high)of a buffalo, a herd of buffalo with three albino, and a Buffalo Museum. This is also a MUST SEE if you're ever in North Dakota--I sound like a tour-guide or an advertisement for the State, don't I? But, it is very interesting.
Is that enough for now? Hope you enjoy seeing parts of Montana and North Dakota through our eyes. Until next posting, love and prayers--------
Thursday, July 1, 2010

Hello, All:
We left Idaho (finally) yesterday. Got the new tire and now it's mounted with a locking thingie on the back of the Jeep just like it's supposed to be. And, we made it to Montana right on the Continental Divide at over 6,800 feet high! This state is so beautiful--it has it all. Look at the picture (above)of Wayne; but not at him--look at the scenery out the driver's window to his left and how high up we are--the clouds are about level with us and the mountains are even higher with snow on most of the tops. We drove over the Rockies, the Crazy Mountains, Bear Tooth Mountains, and saw beautiful rivers, rolling hills, lots of green grass, beautiful trees and nice weather of only 77 degrees at 2p.m. If it were not for 'sweet home Alabama' this is where I'd like to spend summers.
Today we again started out on I-90 but about mid-day switched onto I-94 to Miles City. Tomorrow morning after breakfast, while we're still here in Miles City, we're going to the Range Rider Museum, according to Google, it's a MUST SEE! Hopefully we'll have pictures to post.
Until then, please remember us in your prayers. You are in ours......
Monday, June 28, 2010
Still in Pocatello, Idaho!

Hello, All:
Yes, we're still in Pocatello, Idaho. Yes, it's a nice, kind of small town, but that's not why we're still here. We're here because of the 'stolen tire'. Wayne went to a tire store early this morning hoping they'd have one in stock. Not so, however, the store ordered it and the tire should be in about lunch-ish tomorrow (2 hours more/less) so we'll be here until Wednesday A.M.
Today, after the tire business, we had a Fun-Monday. First of all, we went north two exits on I-15 to 'Fort Hall' thinking it was the Fort 'replica', an area attraction. It WAS where the 'original Fort Hall' was located but because it was a 'trading fort on Indian land' Fort Hall could not be re-created where it was originally. (Indian land is 'federal' land.) So, we went to the Shoshone-Bannock Tribal Museum. Rosemary, the very knowledgeable hostess, is a member of the Shoshone Tribe. Since we were the only people in the museum, she had time to talk with us about her tribe and their history. We could have listened to her all day--she was so interesting! The museum was small but had great Native American paintings and exhibits, as you can see by the pictures of us above.
Next area attraction was 'Old Town' in downtown Pocatello. Old Town is a beautifully restored area (sort of like 'downtown Prattville' (AL). First thing, of course, was LUNCH! We found a Mexican fast-food place (Wayne conceded on Mexican) that was in an old hamburger place complete with drive-thru. I figured it would be so-so!!!!!!NOT SO, they had the best chile rellenos I HAVE EVER TASTED--I PROMISE!!! (Frances, I wished you were here to taste them!!) Of course, Wayne didn't like HIS (because he doesn't like any Mexican food except Tacos--and he didn't get Tacos) but he ate most of mine. My plate had two chile rellenos (about the size of my open hand), Rice, refried beans, lettuce/tomato/onion salad with guacamole, and sour cream with a rolled tortilla on another plate ($3.65)! Wayne ate one of my chile rellenos, most of my rice, all my beans--and liked MY food. After lunch, we rode around (and around--every other street was one-way) in Old Town.
Then we went to THE replica Fort Hall and Museum right here in Pocatello. Very interesting and enjoyable, especially the Museum. It had antiques of Fort Hall, doctor, dentist, fire department, railroad, and military stuff from the settling time of Fort Hall/Pocatello area. Lots of the stuff I remembered from my childhood i.e., glass syringe, cod liver oil, brown medicine bottles with a CORK stopper (I'm getting old!!!). After touring the museum and fort, we head back to the RV via the Tastee Treat (sort of like Dairy Queen)--the best part of the whole day. We had soft serve ice cream for supper. (Great supper).
Now back at the RV, it's laundry time---until next time, prayers and hugs to you-----
Saturday, June 26, 2010
We're Back (from Hawaii) & are in Pocatello, Idaho
Well, Hello again:
Let me catch you up on our travels. We flew out of Salt Lake City and spent 2 weeks in Hawaii with Joscie and the Grands!!! and they are!!! We did a lot while there--a little shopping(yea--got to go to Fisher-Hawaii and Ben Frankin for craft stuff); to the theater to see the stage performance of "Elmo, etc;" to the movies to see "Toy Story 3" (both so good); to the Leggo and Disney Stores (for toys, of course) and out to eat at more places than I can remember (but I DO remember Island Burgers, Cinnamons for breakfast of Gava French Toast and cinnamon roll [yum])and Forrest Gump for fish/seafood. We also went to the Honolulu Library Book Sale--got lots of goodies! But, the most fun--just looking at Jalen and Jordan to store up memories until the next trip.
We arrived back in Salt Lake City via Las Vegas. BUT our luggage was lost! Finally found out it stayed in Las Vegas--guess it wanted to play the slots since we didn't have time to due to the long lines at security checks! Our bags had all our medicines and our laptop in them so we were concerned. When we arrived at the Red Lion Hotel our car was still in the parking lot(where we had parked it right at the front door) HOWEVER our spare tire normally on the back of the Jeep had been stolen. Hawaiian/Delta Airlines were very nice--they gave us a kit so at least we had a toothbrush and a T-Shirt to sleep in! We called AllState, and they told us what to do about our tire. We were all set so we went to Provo, Utah, to get the RV out of storage--felt so good to 'be home again'. Finally our luggage was found and delivered to us at the RV Park. We had missed only 3 doses of our much-needed medicines. We stayed in Provo until this morning.
We are now moving north and are in Pocatello, Idaho on I-15. Now, you're caught up!
Till next time--hugs and prayers to you-----
Let me catch you up on our travels. We flew out of Salt Lake City and spent 2 weeks in Hawaii with Joscie and the Grands!!! and they are!!! We did a lot while there--a little shopping(yea--got to go to Fisher-Hawaii and Ben Frankin for craft stuff); to the theater to see the stage performance of "Elmo, etc;" to the movies to see "Toy Story 3" (both so good); to the Leggo and Disney Stores (for toys, of course) and out to eat at more places than I can remember (but I DO remember Island Burgers, Cinnamons for breakfast of Gava French Toast and cinnamon roll [yum])and Forrest Gump for fish/seafood. We also went to the Honolulu Library Book Sale--got lots of goodies! But, the most fun--just looking at Jalen and Jordan to store up memories until the next trip.
We arrived back in Salt Lake City via Las Vegas. BUT our luggage was lost! Finally found out it stayed in Las Vegas--guess it wanted to play the slots since we didn't have time to due to the long lines at security checks! Our bags had all our medicines and our laptop in them so we were concerned. When we arrived at the Red Lion Hotel our car was still in the parking lot(where we had parked it right at the front door) HOWEVER our spare tire normally on the back of the Jeep had been stolen. Hawaiian/Delta Airlines were very nice--they gave us a kit so at least we had a toothbrush and a T-Shirt to sleep in! We called AllState, and they told us what to do about our tire. We were all set so we went to Provo, Utah, to get the RV out of storage--felt so good to 'be home again'. Finally our luggage was found and delivered to us at the RV Park. We had missed only 3 doses of our much-needed medicines. We stayed in Provo until this morning.
We are now moving north and are in Pocatello, Idaho on I-15. Now, you're caught up!
Till next time--hugs and prayers to you-----
Saturday, June 12, 2010
In Hawaii
Well, we arrived safely in Hawaii last Tuesday, and now it is already Saturday!!! Time is passing tttttooooo quickly. As you can tell--no time to blog! All our time is spent playing board games, playing (OK, watching--we don't even know how to turn on the cable TV!! [Jordan had to show us!]) video games, playing at the playground, going for breakfast at Cinamons (Yum!Yum!), going for Shaved Ice (if everyone did it like the Sweet Shop--triple Yum!)----well, you get the idea.
Joscie and boys are wonderful, and we're having a ball so I probably won't be back here until we arrive back at Salt Lake late on the 23th.
Until then--hugs and keep us in your prayers. You are definitely in ours----
Joscie and boys are wonderful, and we're having a ball so I probably won't be back here until we arrive back at Salt Lake late on the 23th.
Until then--hugs and keep us in your prayers. You are definitely in ours----
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Travel toward Salt Lake City, Utah
Today was a travel day to get us closer to Salt Lake City. We left Kanab this morning and travelled about an hour on Highway 89 that we were on yesterday going to Red Canyton and Bryce Canyon. It is a good state highway. Today, we turned onto Utah Highway 14 that would take us to Interstate 15 and on to Salt Lake City.
Utah Hwy 14 had a sign that said "Scenic Highway". Well, let me say to begin with, That sign and an RV doesn't mix very well. The road was up and down mountains which crooked and turned (almost back into itself). And, we thought we had seen snow up until now--but today was something else and at even higher elevations. There was snow everywhere. We thought the signs along the road that read 'icy roads' didn't apply this time of the year--but they could have easily! Thank Heaven Hwy 14 was only 42 miles long--but it took about 2 1/2 hours to drive it! I got several good pictures of the snow around Navajo Lake on Hwy 14--beautiful sceney.
ADDED:(OPPS!!!!!Sorry, I deleted all today's pictures in the camera before I looked at them in the computer---all I have left is the one you see at the top.)
We decided to stop at Provo which is about 15 miles south of Salt Lake City. We set up at Lakeside RV Camp. Let me tell you, the good Lord looks after fools and old folks (& we're both!). The people here are so nice--they told us of a storage vacility for the RV while we're gone to Hawaii--and right across the street from the RV park. We'll stay here until Monday morning; take the RV across the street; drive the car to an airport motel, stay there Monday night and leave the car at the motel. The hotel will shuttle us to the airport. After Hawaii, we'll spend the night at the motel; next day pick up the RV and off to Montana!----This will work out wonderfully!
We're supposed to go to see the Morman Tabernacle tomorrow or Monday. If we do, I'll do pictures and keep you up-to-date.
Until then, keep us in your prayers..hugs
Friday, June 4, 2010
Utah - All Day @Red Canyon & Bryce Canyon
Well, I thought we couldn't top yesterday with God's beautiful wonders; but I was wrong!!!
First, we went to Red Canyon. The road to Red Canyon went thru rock that formed tunnels.
Next, came Bryce Canyon. The National Park Service knew what they were doing in this park. There were lots of Views or Points along the Park road. We drove thru the Park to each one and the views got better and better at each stop.
We didn't see as much wildlife today as yesterday, but we did see deer, antelope and elk.
I don't know what to say about the beauty we saw today. So you decide for yourself in the pictures. I know I didn't have much to 'say' today, but I think the pictures tell the whole story a lot better than I ever could, so enjoy.
We're moving further up in Utah tomorrow (a travel day). It's about time to get closer to Salt Lake City for our flight to Hawaii. Think we'll enjoy that? (No, not Salt Lake City so much--duh!!! Joscie and the boys)
Until the next posting--hugs
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Today was another fun day for us! We left Bluff, Utah and travelled to Kanab, Utah, by way of Arizona. We went to the North Rim of the Grand Canyon--same thing--from Kanab, Utah, to the North Rim in Arizona. Of course, we did the reverse from the Grand Canyon to Kanab where we parked the RV. Confused yet?
Anyway, the trip over yet another range of mountains was beautiful, relatively easy travel, and so different in looks (top Picture) from the mountains we've already seen.
Around l p.m. we set up the RV, I had a (2 hour) nap while Wayne met (only) half the people in the park (Kanab RV Corral). Then we decided to do the 80-mile trip (one way) to the North Rim today. It was beautiful. (Have I said that before?)
After we got to the Grand Canyon North Rim National Park entrance, we still had about 15 miles of up/down mountains, hairpin-curvey roads to drive. We saw enough snow to have lots of snowball fights, and enough deer to feed all of Henry County and Slapout, too. We counted over 50 deer on our way into the Park, and stopped counting at 25 on our trip back. In the middle picture above are some of the deer and a little of the snow in the background--over 9,000 feet up! Was warm in the sunshine but VERY cool in the shade.
Getting to the actual North Rim of the Grand Canyon was so worth it. The North Rim is vastly different from the southern end of the Canyon that we saw on our trip several years ago. The bottom picture of the Grand Canyon can't do it justice, but I wanted you to get an idea of it anyway. We took this picture from the GC Lodge sitting in comfortable chairs on the back varanda.
After so much excitement--what could possibly top this? Wayne said, "just wait until tomorrow!" Guess I'll (and you, too) will have to.
So until then--love you; keep us in your prayers, please. You are in ours!
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Today: Petroglyphs, Monument Valley, & Mexican Hat Rock in Utah & Arizona

Today I was totally surprised: Can you imagine Wayne eating vegan? Well, he did because: 1. It was the only 'cafe' in Bluff, Utah, where we are parked. 2. From the outside, there was no indication they didn't serve meat (bacon), and 3. it was too late to get breakfast anywhere else in route. But, after getting his 'organic' eggs and 9-whole-grain-toast with 2 slices of orange; he decided his breakfast 'wasn't so bad after all'! And my 'made-from-scratch' waffle was browned and crispy just the way I like!
Then, about 2 miles outside of Bluff on the way to Monument Valley, we got another surprise. When we see a side road, Wayne always says "wonder where this little road goes?". Today, we took 'the little road' and we found petroglyphs on the side of a cliff. Look closely at the picture and you can see some of them. It was wonderful!
Further on Utah Highway 163, we stopped off at a Navajo Market where I found some beautiful hand-made jewelry. While Wayne was resting in the market breezeway, we saw a sign "Indian Fry Bread" and just had to try it. A beautiful Indian lady hand-made it for us while we watched. She said it was served with salt sprinkled on top to go with a meal; have powdered sugar sprinkled on top as a dessert; use it for the bun on a hamburger; or as a shell for a taco. We had the powdered sugar (of course)and it was delicious!
Still on beautiful Utah Highway 163, our next stop was Monument Valley! Beauty beyond my imagination---but the 17 miles in the Valley was the most bumpy, dirt(make that rock)road I have ever been on. The posted speed limit was 15 MPH. Wayne was driving a top speed of 7 MPH and we were bouncing around in the car like jell-o! The Valley was totally worth every bump. It was some of the most beautiful sites that I've ever seen. In the middle picture I'm standing at 'John Ford's Point' (he's the director of several of John Wayne's movies which were filmed in Monument Valley).
Our last stop was Mexican Hat Rock. It was beautiful to me even though I couldn't quite make out the Mexican Hat! Can you? It's the bottom picture.
Tomorrow we're moving on to Kanab, Utah---well, that's our plans for today. So, until then--we love you------
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Valley of the gods, Goosenecks State Park & Natural Bridges National Monument in Utah
Today, we left New Mexico and moved over to Bluff, Utah, so that we would be more centrally located to see the sites we wanted to see.
First, we went to Valley of the gods. It was a road leading back to even more rock formations. We turned around after about 5 miles of dirt road with bumps and more bumps! The whole trip through the Valley was 27 miles long and would have led us right to Goosenecks, oh well--travel and learn!
Next we went to Goosenecks States Park. As you can see Wayne standing at the edge. It was breath-taking looking down about 1,000 feet (or more). At the bottom was a river that wound around thru the rock formations.
From there, we went 45 miles across mountains on Utah Highway 261--mostly dirt and so high it was chilling looking back the way we'd had come (as you can see in the next picture).
Our final sight for today was Natural Bridges National Monument (picture 3--if you look closely you can see the 'bridge' formation in the center of the picture). This was more than just one Monument--it was a National Park which looped 9 miles and took about 3 hours to see all the sights and the 3 natural, rock formation bridges.
What a wonderful, tiring day; but still more laundry. Oh, well, at least we are blessed to have our own washer & dryer in our RV.
So, until next posting--we love ya'll--keep us in your prayers (you are in ours)---
Monday, May 31, 2010
Happy Memorial Day!! @ Durango & Silverton, Colorado
Today we celebrated Memorial Day in Colorado.
First, we went to Durango and visited the Train Station. Above: I am in front of the Train Station with a bronze sculpture of 3 horses. At right below is Wayne outside the Station next to the tracks. After visiting in the Train Station, we walked/drove around town looking at the buildings--quaint, beautiful little town!
Our afternoon was spent going to & visiting in Silverton. The trip up was beautiful--snow along the highway and on the mountain tops (in top-most photo is one of the sites). We were from 10,000'- 14,000' most of the time.
In Silverton, my favorite store was named: "His Money; My Store"--a 'touristy' store in center of town with antiques (mostly from China). After looking & driving around town, we headed back to the RV in the late afternoon to get rested up for tomorrow.
And, laundry waits for no woman!--until our next outing and post--love to all!!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Aztec, New Mexico
Today we went to church at the Bloomfield Church of Christ. The people were so friendly and welcomed us with open arms. We really enoyed the lesson and the people.
This afternoon, we went up to Aztec (about 15 miles from Bloomfield) to see the Aztec Ruins. We thought the Salmon Ruins were amazing--not so! The Aztec Ruins are federally funded and much better maintained. It is mind-boggling to think of the things these people accomplished without all our 'modern' tools and equipment. In these ruins there are over 400 rooms unearthed already and the West site has not even been touched. In the pictures above are part of the things we saw today. Hope you enjoy. Keep us in your prayers, you are in ours----till next posting----
Bloomfield, New Mexico
Friday, May 28, 2010
Happy Memorial Day & Weekend
Happy Holiday!and Happy Anniversary to us!! We've arrived in Bloomfield, New Mexico, where we'll 'camp' for the next 5 days. Much to Wayne's dismay, Bloomfield has a Memorial Day weekend Arts and Craft event starting today and ending Sunday. But, while I'm checking out the Arts and Crafts, there is also an Antique Car show; so with our walkie-talkies we'll each get to see what we want wihout the other suffering. We had fun just riding here--the scenery is so different from Alabama (as you can see in the picture we took 130 miles south of Bloomfield on Hwy 550.)Until next posting---enjoy your holiday as I'm sure we will. Love to all
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
We're in Santa Rosa, New Mexico
On the 24th of May we left home around 10 a.m.; spent the night in Vicksburg, Mississippi; but we almost turned around and went back home because our AC was not cooling--just blowing warm air and you know it would be 95+--we were miserable. Wayne figured out to turn off the heater ??? valve and immediately we started getting cool air. We went on our way to Vicksburg, MS.,as planned. The next day we drove to Wichata Falls, Texas. So today, 26 May we wanted to eat lunch in Amarillo, Texas, at the Stockyard Cafe (we saw it on a show on Food Network). We arrived around 1 o'clock and, thanks to Mr. GPS, we drove right to it. I figured it would be kind of like the 'Cheese factory' Frances and Linda went to on their vacation (a whole other story--you'll have to ask Frances or Linda about that!!!!!). But, all and all it was a good meal. I had the Chicken Fried Steak (like the guy on Food Channel) and Wayne had the Hamburger Steak. Huge portions--we could have shared one meal and still had some food left--next time!! I've documented our historic visit with these pictures. I've even included pictures of inside the Stockyard Cafe so everyone can see and 'feel' the ambiance. Tomorrow, we're on to Albuquerque, New Mexico for some sightseeing (only about 100 miles from Santa Rosa) and to spend the night. More, to come as we get WiFi access. Please keep us in your prayers for a safe, happy trip. Love to all until next time-----
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Weekend--Oh! Boy!
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
I'm Thrilled!!!

I am a member of three Yahoo Card Groups: TheStampingPad, CardConnection, and StampingSwaps. Would you believe? These cards are featured as the Home Page Art on each of these sites. I'm more than thrilled--honored; amazed--that each of the monitors of the sites chose my art above all the other talented artists.
My Newest Art
Monday, May 10, 2010
Monday, 10 May 2010
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